Hi Friend,

It is almost getting to the end of a season called 2023 and many are currently taking stock of how the year went. For some, they had many wins, they celebrated, while others, are in a state of gloominess over too many losses they think they recorded. I am sorry to hear that you didn't close the deal, buy the house, get to make the changes and change the trajectory of your life within the time frame you set for yourself but have you ever stop to think that it is not over until it is over?

They could be many reasons why it didn't work as planned and you have two options to consider;

1. To either look into the origin of the issue so you can resolve it, learn from it so you can proceed with caution, and instruct others 

2. Alternatively, you can choose to reside in a temporary dwelling of self-pity and indulge in sorrow over your losses. 

Having a RESPONSE ready is essential for handling life's inevitable challenges. 'But how can I do that?' I can hear you saying. Life will always throw you curveballs. No matter how much you try to avoid making the same mistakes twice, life is always teaching you something new. But I'm not a fan of the cliche  "experience is the best teacher." I think that knowledge is the greatest teacher. But can we completely escape facing some challenges? your response is similar to mine. This is the reason you need a life strategy that can be summed up in one word: "POUNCE."  But how is another question that arises? Let me help you further; Seizing life's opportunities is the surest way to succeed.  The opportunity will never present itself with a tag that has your name, which means, you have to seize it, put your name on it and own it. That is how you POUNCE on life.

There are several delightful methods to savour your fruits. You may either chew them or extract their juice and enjoy a refreshing drink. Additionally, you have the option of creating a delicious smoothie, allowing you to relax your jaws instead of exerting effort to chew the fruit into little pieces. Simply gulp down the smoothie and enjoy its delightful taste!  Whichever alternative you choose, it will greatly impact the ease with which you can maximize the benefits you require. Whether you choose the hard way or the wise way, all options will be beneficial. However, one can experience the pleasure of enjoying convenience, comfort, and a comfortable sensation. Imagine it, or even better, experience it for yourself. Why not try grabbing an apple and taking a few bites? Afterwards, you could also consider making a delicious smoothie out of it. Take some refreshing drinks from the smoothie and let me know how both experiences make you feel. I'm confident that you'll enjoy both! Rest assured, the fruit remains consistent - an apple, with its unaltered nutritional worth.The essence of the message is in its approach, the effort invested that translates into valuable time, and the exhilaration that accompanies it.

Life offers a multitude of approaches, ensuring that you always have a range of possibilities to choose from, based on your viewpoint and the level of satisfaction you seek. Allow me to encourage you to shift your focus away from that pain, denial, loss, or delay. Instead, it would be beneficial for you to adopt a new mindset and approach towards life. POUNCE instead of DWELL. Embrace the opportunity to take decisive action rather than obsessing on negative circumstances. Take a leap forward and seize the moment! Take a strong and decisive approach, aiming for success, as it is unlikely that your desires will simply be handed to you effortlessly. You have the power to shape your future, even if you cannot change the past. Rise above the gloom, don your finest attire, gaze at your reflection in the mirror, and affirm to yourself that you are prepared and eager to seize the opportunities that life has in store for you. Life will no longer happen to you. This will lead to complete transformation, and guess what? Rest assured, everything will work out splendidly for you, and you will be generously rewarded. When you assert your desires to life, you will receive the intended outcome and even more, since life tends to favour those who are bold, brave, and self-assured. I have complete faith in your abilities and I believe in you wholeheartedly!

Merry Christmas & A Fabulous 2024 Ahead!!!


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