My Destiny Companion

 Hi Friends,

Happy New Year to all my peeps.

It is a brand new year and so many believers all over the world are gathering to seek the face of God for the year 2024. One thing we must not forget is that 2024 may be new to us because we haven't been in it before but it is not new to God. He finishes his works, before bringing man into it for manifestation. One of the key factors that will bring ease to our 2024 journey is divine guidance which can be guaranteed by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Roman 8:14 - If you want to manifest sonship in 2024, let him lead you   

1John  2:27 - If you need to be taught the truth that will liberate you in 2024, let him lead you

John 14:26 - If you want comfort during stormy seasons in 2024 and how to navigate through the storms (because storms will come), let him lead you.

Ephesian 1:17 - If you need the spirit of wisdom and revelation, let him lead you.

Acts 7:46-51 - If you need unprecedented favour in 2024 - to be a beneficiary of this dimension of God's benevolence, let the Holy Spirit lead you. Favour is God's divine help and assistance to man.

John 1:16 - If you need grace to accomplish your 2024 divine mandate and capacity to take your world by surprise, let the Holy Spirit be your senior partner.

Won't it be amazing to know that he's got your back? Why would you want to take the hard way out when there is a sure way out?

Invite him into your life and daily let him know you are in partnership with him to cary out the will of the father. Living and being in the centre of God's will is only possible when you partner with the Holy Spirit.

I have tried both ways and l can boldly tell you that it is best you submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit for your emergence and your manifestation in 2024.

Your victory is guaranteed when he is the one leading you. He can be your closest friend, your confident, your lover, your guide and your guard. Think about how much your life can change if you let him do all your hard liftings in 2024. Make him your destiny companion and you will be glad you did.

I will be back to discuss more. Please read and share. Thanks


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