Benefits of A Business Road Map

Hi Friends,

We started the discussion on the subject ' Business Road Map'

It is amazing to have a wonderful plan for your business in 2024 but do you know the way to the fulfilment of that wonderful plan? How do you manifest the dreams you have when you don't even know the way to 'The Place' called 'manifestation of dreams'.

Your product may be a high demand product but how to you meat up the target you have sent for yourself? This is where a road map comes in handy.  I recently moved to a new city and l needed to be moving around with my car for my engagaements within the city so l had to rely on my google map to help me from from one point to another.  

If you check the map of your country, at a glance the map solves a lot of problems;

1. Boundaries - Do you know the boundaries for that business? Where to begin and stop without being seen as encroaching into unapproved territory where you are seen as an interloper or intruder because you have no permission to encroach. You will not be able to define the boundaries of your business niche without a business map.

2. Direction - Your country map or any map will show you directions from one place to another. Likewise, your business map gives the direction to nagivate the terrains and get to the actual consumers of your goods and services.

3. Size - Another feature of the map is the distinctive area defined and enclosed within the space. Your business map informs you of the class and age range of people that most likely will be beneficiaries of what you offer and how to and where to find them.

4. Differentiation - It is the map that generates the disparities that exist between different ethnicities within the same locale by mapping them out. A business map will help you identify the cutting edge that will set you apart from your competitor.

These are key elements that you enjoy from having a well defined, written out and administered business map. 

Like l said earlier, with a business coach, you can put in place a map for your business. I will return to discuss key factors that must be included in your map. 

Thank you for stopping by; please  read and leave a comment below for me to know if you gain anything or have a question. 

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