What Do You Have? (The Overcoming Crisis Series)

Topic: What Do You Have?

Theme: Overcoming Crisis

It is true that life has taken a lot from you but l want you to know that life will never take everything you have.  Joseph lost his colourful garment, a precious gift from his father. He also lost the love, care and attention he received. His shelter and position were denied him but he still had something on his inside that he could hold on to;

  • His Dream,
  • His Purpose,
  • His Will-Power

You still have something. The problem is you are looking outward instead of inward. You need to find what you still have and hold on to it tenaciously.

For some, it will be a dream, a purpose while for others it will be the will-power to keep moving despite all odds until you figure out your area of strength.

The question is ‘WHAT’ do you have?


Everyone has something to offer and until you discover what that is, you cannot begin the journey to your place of visibility.

For some, they haven’t discovered what they have. This is the question of ‘WHAT’.

2 Kings 4:2; “And Elisha said unto her, what shall l do for thee? Tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not anything in the house, save a pot of oil”. (KJV)

Others are still wondering ‘HOW’ and ‘WHEN’ to start.

One of Joyce Meyer’s latest release is a book called ‘Do It Afraid’. The title of the book is very captivating and the book itself addresses the issue of fear. Fear has crippled a lot of destinies and kept many in bondage. How many ideas have you trashed or treated as wishful thinking because of the fear of how to start out?

Hosea 2:2; “And the LORD answered me, and said, write the vision and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.” (KJV)

What have you been writing down in your diary, notepad, vision book? The Bible says, make it plain – simplify it, break it down to doable tasks, action items, then read it again prayerfully until it is domiciled in your spirit; then start running.

The reason why so many people will never pull out a vision into the realm of manifestation is because they don’t even understand what they wrote down. It is one thing to have a vision, it is another to understand the vision. I cannot keep saying l will become an academic professor when l haven’t sat back to set goals that will lead me towards the manifestation of my dream/vision. I would need to get into a university or college after my secondary education. So, what is required for me to gain admission? You have to list out the requirements and start taking steps towards it.


A salient point you must note if you ever want to be successful in chasing your dreams/visions is never put money or finance on top of your list of goals because this has killed a lot of vision; fear of lack of provision.  Learn to trust God all the way. My Spiritual father, Rev. Ntia I. Ntia told us that we need FAITH to conquer seasons and stay visible, not money, not education, not connections etc. These are all good things but most importantly your FAITH IN GOD determines your access to the many possibilities in God.

Jude 1:20; “Beloved, when l gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that  ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”

You must understand that wherever there is a vision driven passionately, there will be provision no matter how long it takes. (We will talk about how to access the provision for every vision or how to trigger the supply you need in one of our episodes while treating the ‘HOW’ question).

So, get up and discover what you have that can be traded for what you need


Rise up and set doable goals that will help you achieve your visions written down.

This is the first step!!!

I came to tell you to just start, ‘DO IT AFRIAD’. Yes, you are afraid of failing, go ahead and still do it. It doesn’t really matter who is ahead of you or what platform is available. You can birth that dream and nurture it to fruition if you will take that step now.

Start small, start afraid, start as a novice but HAVE FAITH IN GOD.  It is in your stepping out that you will see the picture before you clearly.

Divinely sponsored visions are given in increments, you will never have the full details at once.

I look forward to you stopping by again for the next episode of ‘Overcoming Crisis’.

See you soon!




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