5 Mentalities You Need to Survive Lockdowns - S.H.A.R.P

We all know that a lockdown is an emergency protocol restricting access. It is set in place by the authorities as a security measure. The past year 2020 was an eventful one for everyone and because of the global pandemic, we had to experience a global lockdown which impacted negatively on people. We lost the freedom to move around and go about our businesses while it was necessary to curb the spread of covid-19 in our world. Right now, the Lockdown is back in many countries of the world. How will you survive it should your country decide to lockdown? You need a great mentality.

Mentality for Lockdown
The question is when we are faced with a situation like this, what do we do? Do you panic, get agitated, frightened, alarmed, allow anxiety set in?

A lot of people went through all of these and more. For some, loved ones were snatched away by the cold hands of death as the virus spread rapidly.

I have news for you. The acronym S.H.A.R.P is a collection of 5 ways for you to stand tall despite the lockdowns, or whatever leads to them.

S – the ‘Stay Calm’ Mentality

When you don’t know what to do in life, the first step is to stay calm. When you are faced with what you never bargained for, the first step is to stay calm. When the devil hits at you and your family real hard, the first step is to stay calm.

Why should you stay calm?

You need calmness to know the most accurate steps to take in response to what you are faced with.

H – the ‘Hear God’ Mentality

When you are calm, you can ask God for direction. He alone knows the way. He is not just ‘A Way Maker’, the Bible says in John 14:16: “Jesus says l am the way, the truth and the Life”.

You need to hear the divine instructions needed for the next move. You cannot afford to take a step that will cost you everything. How much of the future do you know? Science fails to curb the spread of the virus. Technology, with its height of advancement couldn’t reliably decipher the characteristics of the virus. It became guess work. Would you want to throw away your years of labour and dreams to such? You see why you need to hear Him that knows the way?

You hear Him by asking Him to speak to you and be expectant that He will speak if you are ready to hear. Hearing Him might be through direct study of the word of God, listening to messages preached by a seasoned man of God and/or through books that will inspire you and keep your faith in God and your belief in who God has created you to become. This will flood your mind and spirit with peace and will sustain you through the difficult time.


A  - Act on The Instructions; the ‘Act’ Mentality

It is not enough to just hear Him, you’ve got to be ready to act on the instructions you’ve heard. This step will pull you out of your comfort zone because God will always ask you to do the unusual. While others are lamenting, He may ask you to praise him. You may not find any physical reason to do so, given the facts that are glaring; businesses stopped, some love ones are no more, jobs taken away, lifestyles suddenly changed and dreams seemingly eluding. If you obey and act on the instruction(s), you are half way through the process of the miracle that heaven is cooking to serve you and your household.

John 11:25; “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” (KJV)


While you sit and mourn your seemingly dead business, dead job, dead opportunities, dead ambitions, Jesus says, I AM THE RESURRECTION. The resurrection is not an EVENT; it is a PERSON called JESUS CHRIST. Where He is, things don’t die, not even your loved ones because the Bible says so. DO YOU BELIEVE and will you ACT on His instruction(s)? The facts remain; things are falling apart but the truth supersedes the facts. Miracles do happen to those who believe and act.


Luke 1:45; “And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord”.


It could be a physical or a spiritual instruction. Just hear and act.


R – Resound the Promise, the Mentality that Never Forgets the Promise

Oftentimes, when we are faced with negative situations, we forget the prophecies, the promises and perhaps specific instructions we received from God. This is the trick of the enemy to rob us of our inheritance and to compromise our belief system. You need to build a sound, word-based belief system that is hard to crack or penetrate by situations and happenstances that are not favourable at the point in time.

Learn to resound what you were given by way of instruction(s) and keep a positive attitude towards the situation because where fear does not exist, the enemy cannot triumph.

It may feel like you are trapped; no movement, physical restrictions everywhere enforced by the authorities. Do not restrict your mind from exploring the many possibilities around you and hoping for the best.

If you have to keep pictures of positive possibilities around you as a reminder of the future you desire, please do so. The mind is such that holds unto whatever it is exposed to. You must learn to shut negativity out so your brain doesn’t interpret it and send pain into your body. On the order hand, you must also learn to open up your mind to positivity, even when your mind/body is not experiencing the euphoria that comes with a positive atmosphere. If you do it long enough, it will master only what it is exposed to and as such your spirit will be shielded, not be broken by the happenings around you.

 P – the Position for Change Mentality

Things may not return to what you call ‘the state of normalcy’, you simply have to be ready to face “The New”. This is one thing that happens to all: change. You must anticipate it and prepare for it or else you will need ages to be able to adjust. Acclimatization is only possible where receptivity of the “New” has been consummated. You may never have it going as it were before the shutdown or what led to the shutdown. So you have to be open to new opportunities, new contacts, new networks, new resources etc. This will help you transition into another realm or a new level of operation(s) and will help you pick up the pace again.

Be ready to make the shift.

There is still hope, even after a prolonged season of restriction that has affected global economy and the general well-being of people on earth.




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