Living Above The Storms

Thank you for stopping by again. You are special in God's eyes that why He will not leave you stranded. What guarantees and delivers 'Next Levels' are sets of divine instructions RECEIVED and CARRIED OUT; emphasis on 'received and carried out'. What instructions are you running with? With your eyes on the prize, what should you be doing to stay calm and birth the next level?  
I will briefly talk about storms in today's post. 

Matthew 14:23-30 reveals that it is possible to walk on the storm. That storm that was meant to collapse your world can be handled. You can flip it around and make something good out of it. 

Matthew 14:27 'He said come! So Peter got out of the boat and walked towards Jesus'. (AMP)
This happened when Peter saw Jesus walking on the water despite the fact that the wind was contrary. He asked Jesus to call him so he could walk on the water too. We clearly see that it is possible to rise above your storms.

What is a storm? 
- A storm is a temporary convergence of natural currents and elements reacting to and affecting the environment and impacting the normal course of life. 
- It is a collision of known elements in unexpected ways. 

Truth to Note
- You must understand that God blesses us in seasons.  (Eccl 3:1)
- Season guarantees change and the key to life is outlasting the season.
- Storms are temporal ; do not respond permanently to temporary problem.
- Storms come to everyone

Characteristics of Storm
1. Storms are natural
2. Storms restore nature to original state 
3. Storms always move
4. Storms force change
5. Storms impact everyone
6. Storms expose weaknesses
7. Storms confirm how strong you are
8. Storms restores new values
9. Storms deflate pride
10. Storms point you to God

Purpose of Storm
1. They come to test your strength
2. They come to help human maintain humility
3. They come to reduce life to the essential
4. They come to test our foundation 
5. They come to hand you keys to the kingdom of heaven - secrets to control the environment.  (Matthew 16:19)
6. They reveal your identity 

The question is, if storms come to everyone, how can l withstand it?
-  Look away from the storm 
- Focus on building stamina.  Your structure determines if you will survive and thrive through and after the storm. Matthew 7:24-25
- Use your storm for your flight into your next level
- Learn from the eagles 
They use the storm to rest
They use the storm to increase height in flight
They use the storm to cleanse their feathers 
They let the storm leave when finished

Learn to use the storm to soar higher in life. 
Rest in God. He is the God of the storm.

I recommend my father's book 'SOAR AS THE EAGLE' By Rev. Ntia Ntia

You are unique and special, soar through that storm. 


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