Average - The Hidden Enemy

Hello Friend! 
Thank God for the month of August 2020. Four months to go in year 2020. God is faithful. You can still make the best out of the year. 
Today l will briefly share on the subject 'Average' living. 

This month has been our month of 'Moving Forward & Making Progress' Series in church and l have been mightily blessed. Do you know that you can become your greatest enemy in life by settling for crumbs when there is more? 
Living life to the fullest entails a lot. It begins with self discovery (watch out for this series in September).
You are loaded with potentials that can make you become and manifest a live of greatness when tapped.
Potentials untapped will yield zero result, potentials half tapped with yield a life of average. To get pass this, you must be ready to stretch beyond the comfort zone.

Numbers 13:30: "Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it".

The children of Israel preferred their comfort zone and never wanted anything  that will put pressure on them, but they forgot they had a promise hanging over their lives; the promise of entering and owning the Canaan land.  They didn't believe they could possess the land.

'Average' means mediocre; not very good.

Dangers of Average Living
1. Stunted growth 
2. Amateur content - No professionalism, no excellence 
3. Impaired vision 
3. It will limit full expression of your potentials 
5. It will rob you of greatness

How to Breakthrough Average 
1. Know yourself and believe in your God given abilities
2. Put  pictures of the future before your eyes; Write the vision
3. Allow pressure and use it positively to bring out your best
4. Never take 'No' for an answer when it pertain to matters of your destiny
5. Be ready to stretch;
 - Look inward and build strength from inside out
 - Be interested in learning daily
 - Take up responsibilities 
 - Have a positive outlook about things 
  - Be tenacious and resilient 
 6. Never let your achievements stand in the way
 7. Know how to take advantage of 'change' 
 7. Be guided by the word and draw strength from God.

Until pressure is applied to orange, the content cannot be extracted. 
Your content will never be expressed fully, seen and appreciated if you don't breakthrough from the level of average. 

'Average' is the top bottom, the best of the worst, the bottom of the top, the worst of the best. Which of these are you?
To be average is to commit the greatest crime against yourself and God. 
Nobody admires or celebrates average. The best organisations don't pay for average. Average doesn't yield maximum profit. 

You can reach the peak of your career, ministry, business etc. if you don't settle for the average level. 

Our perfect examples of men in the Bible that got to the peak in destiny are Jesus and Apostle Paul. 
 2 Tim 4:7

Decide to maximize your potentials and your world will celebrate your gift.

Thank you and see you in September 2020. 


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