Your Identity (Updated)

Hello Everyone,
Happy New Month! We're in the sixth month of 2016. God has been so faithful and has preserved us from January 1,  2016 to this date and He will keep doing so in Jesus name.
Today we will briefly look at the subject 'Your Identity'.  Things, places and people are identified by the names they bear.  You must understand that your name contributes to your identity.
your identity

Our anchor scripture for today is Ephesians 3:14-15
"For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named." (KJV)
Paul in the earlier verses preceding our text refers to himself as an apostle less than the least but He ended up writing more epistles to the church, admonishing, correcting and rebuking the church than any other apostle did. The question is HOW?

The key secret was GRACE also known as unmerited favour but we will keep this subject for another day.

He understood who he was and what he was given so he 'OWNED IT'. Often times we neglect the practice of receiving and owning. When you ask God for something, you have to learn how to receive and own it. 2 Cor 3:18 reveals the process of owing or becoming.
Prior to Paul's conversion, he was known as Saul of Tarsus, an identity that was a threat to the church.
How is your identity influencing others - positively or negatively? 

To excel in life, it is important you understand who you are and maximise the benefits of your identity.
Our text reveals that we are named after God, meaning our root is in Him but many haven't received nor own this truth.  This blesses my heart because I have discovered that my root is  not in my parents but in God.  Man is limited but God is not and when you understand this your branding emerges from that root that grants you access to limitless possibilities.  Your root which is your identity does the following:
1.  Reveals your placement in life
2.  Determines the access you have in life
3.  Guarantees your inheritance
4.  Delivers your allocation in life
5.  Gives speed to your path
6.  Secures your future
7.  Fuels your courage/confidence
The above can only happen if you know your identity. Your identity brands you. If it's negative, you branding will be negative and as such your productivity will be affected but if positive, the reverse will be the case.

-  Who are you named after?
-  Where do you get your identity from?
-  Who are your friends? 

These are factors that influence your identity.
Proverbs 13:20 "He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall  be destroyed". (KJV)

You can simply accept the identity God is extending to you today and glide through life with His goodwill.  Being named after God is a privilege that comes with enormous benefits.
John 1:12 ' But as many as received Him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them them that believe on his name'. (KJV)

Whose name is your belief on?
You become His responsibility 'cause He will always ensure His name is never put to shame and because of His Faithfulness, His Perfect Image and His Reputation/ Integrity, your identity in Him is a sure deal that guarantees a glorious destiny.

Thank you for stopping by. Hope you do so again. God bless you.


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