Launch Out into the Deep

Hello precious people,  I am coming your way again with an inspiring word of wisdom that will give direction to someone today. Launch out into the deep!

Our anchor scripture for today is Luke 5:4  "Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught".

Our text reveals Jesus teaching the multitude from Simon's ship and when he was done teaching he turned to Simon and gave him an instruction.

Every day of our lives we find people carrying out instructions. People in the market place, people in churches, people that are incarcerated, pupils/students in schools are all acting on one instruction or the other. The instructions you carry out daily creates the platform on how your day play out and determine your reward system.

It is one thing to carry out an instruction and another for you to carry it out in totality.  An instruction half obeyed may not yield the full benefits attached to it especially if it's coming from a credible source. You must also note that they are consequences for not carrying out instructions if you are obliged to do so.
We see Jesus talking to Peter, a professional fisherman on how to go about with his profession.
First he said; 
1.  Launch Out in the deep
2.  And let down your nets for a

You would naturally obey an instruction coming from someone you trust or believe.  If you are running with someone else's vision, you will want to carry out the instructions from the convener of the vision because you are obliged to do so. Simon Peter believed the words of Jesus, and obeyed even though he had been fishing for a greater part of his life. He did not allow his expertise to stand in his way of obedience.  His blessing came as a result of his action in obedience to an instruction given by the master. 

Many are still doing businesses, living life, building careers, doing ministries in shallow waters but the call today  is LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP!  There is something in the deep that can never be found in the shallow.  The following, often times prevent many from launching out.
1. Fear of failing
2. Your expertise
2. Fear of the unknown
3. Unbelief
4. Circles of friends
5. People who speak into your life
6. Myopic thinking
7. Settling for a presumed comfort zone

The list is long but if you can make up your mind today, to take the limits off you and launch out by faith, you will see amazing results like never before. Our expertise have failed us, it has failed the nations of the world  today because there is a global recession and our economists, with all the research and knowledge can't help us. The numbers and projections are not adding up.  Only the Word of God can alter the laws of life/nature to give a man a blessing in the 'deep'.  The greatest enemy of success is you. You can either stop yourself from reaching the top by settling for less or you can decide to move from shallow waters and build your vision from the stand point of what the 'deep' has to offer.  THERE IS SOMETHING IN THE DEEP AND UNTIL YOU INITIATE THE SHIFT, YOU WILL NEVER MAXIMISE THE BENEFITS.

The shift, for some could be a change of mentality, for others a change of mentorship.  It could also be the ability to obey instructions or the  change of circle of friends.
Your purpose is important to God. He is interested in helping you find and fulfil that purpose if only you will trust and believe him enough to act on his word today.
If you don' t know Jesus, start by accepting the finished work of grace. Ask him into your life and begin the journey of purposeful living. Grace is a total package that provides for every aspect of humanity.

I pray for you today, that God will help you launch into the deep and move away from all limiting forces in Jesus name. Amen!


Thank you for stopping by. Pls do again. God bless you.  Shalom!


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