Joy, the Secret Weapon of Sustenance

Hi everyone, Thank you for stopping by.
Today we are going to be talking about a secret ingredient of sustenance; JOY.  Every recipe has an ingredient that makes it special asides the common condiments.  It will interest you to know that LIFE has different recipes that will either make it TASTY or SOUR.  Your success story cannot be complete without the ingredient we are talking about.   

Our anchor scripture for today is Isaiah 12:3..."Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation".  

Paul speaking said in Philippians 4:4 'Rejoice in the Lord always: and again l say, rejoice'.
Our anchor scripture reveals that the only access to God's well of salvation is Joy. This implies that without Joy, NO ACCESS.

Joy guarantees the following;
- Access to the total package of salvation. Salvation is a package that gives you access not just to the newness of life in Christ but also the inheritance and benefits in Christ.
- Access to the wealth of God. Deut.  28:47
The devil comes to steal, to kill and to destroy John 10:10.  He has been stealing our joy all the while not the negative happenings around you. You must learn to separate your joy from people and things because they are not constant and as long as there are not constant, your joy will always be under attack.  There is one thing that is constant and that is the Love of Jesus....base your Joy on this. When you have received His love and you have it, No Man and Nothing can take it away except you decide to give it up.  

1. Your joy does not come from your spouse
2.  It doesn't come from your friends
3.  It doesn't come from your job
4.  It doesn't come from achievements
5.  It doesn't come from possessions
6.  Neither does it come from happenings

Happiness is a function of positive happenings around you but Joy has only one source - JESUS. The Bible says "The joy of the Lord is our strength" Neh. 8:10
Don't let circumstances or people determine your joy rather every day as your feet hit the floor and there is breath in your lungs/nostrils....Smile and tell yourself, YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF ALL THAT WILL COME AT YOU THAT DAY 

- your Joy fuels your strength
- your Joy boosts your confidence
- your Joy unveils your audacity
- your Joy declares your tomorrow today
- your Joy assures safe delivery of what is yours
- your Joy secures God's backing for a safe landing at your destination
- Your Joy fuels tenacity and stirs up hope again.
- Your Joy is your key to your unseen future.

Proverbs 17:22 KJV "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine"

The cure for heartache is JOY. When it permeate the mind, it increases its  functionality.
Against all odds, KEEP YOUR JOY.

Have a blessed week!!!!!!!


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