The Cost of Building

Hello friends, We have been on the building series and today we will be looking at 'The Cost of Building'. Our inspiration will be taken from the Bible 2 Samuel 24:24 - David said, "...neither will l offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing".
Every building requires sacrifice and comes at a price.

The Price of Building
1. Tenacity
2. Resilience
3. Optimism
4. Single mindedness
5. Self Denial

1. Tenacity - This is the quality of being able to have a grip on your vision firmly so you are not easily dissuaded when challenged. You must understand that the building will go through several seasons both favourable and harsh seasons so this is necessary so as not to abort the process. 1 Cor 16:13, Gal 5:1, Proverbs 24:10

2.  Resilience - This guarantees the elasticity of the builder. A builder must be able to recover swiftly from rough or difficult times because you will certainly face storms as mentioned in my previous write-up, and you will be knocked down sometimes but never allow a knock-out. God never promised there will be no storm, He never said trouble will not come but He promised to be with us in trouble,
Psalm 91:15. This is the reason you need this quality.

3. Optimism - You must never doubt the future of your building. Until you see it first in the eye of your mind, you cannot handle it physically. God finished everything He wanted to create before He began to call them into existence, In Gen 1:26-28 God made man and in Gen 2:7 He formed man from the dust of the earth. Everything you see in the physical is rooted in the spiritual. The Mind is the engine house where formation is birthed. If you can see it, you can have it. Gen 13:14c -15. ALWAYS BE POSITIVE. EVERY VICTORY IS FIRST WON IN THE MIND.

4. Single mindedness - James 1:8 says; "a double minded mind is unstable in all his ways". A building half way completed is not a finished product. You must keep at it until your profiting appears to all men. There will be genuine facts why you should discontinue but facts are never truths. Your eyes must be single so you don't get distracted and abandon your building. Believe in what you have embarked on. No one will believe nor follow you if you are not convinced that your pursuit is achievable.

5. Self Denial - The last but not the least of the prices to trade in for the successful completion of your building is Self denial. John 12:24 "verily, verily. I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruits."

Strip yourself of whatever you think you know and be ready to learn. Until you are hungry, you can never be satisfied. God reveals Himself to men that are hungry for Him and His knowledge. 

Also learn from men that have gone the route of your journey before and succeeded. Your exploit comes on the platform of what you know. Knowledge is the Power you need to move to your next level. Dan 11:32b …but it comes when you humbly search for it. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Luke 14:11, James 4:6, 1 Cor 2:5. Partner with God through His Spirit and your building will be guaranteed.

Thank you for stopping by.
Hope you do so again.
God bless you.


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