Building According to Pattern

In everyday living, building is a part of the activities going on. Some are building relationships, businesses, wealth, structures, countries, visions, marriages, friendship, careers, empires, habits, etc. It is a vital part of humanity. Some will last, some will not. Mathew 7:24
There are things to note when building;
1. A Plan
2. A location ( mostly for  concrete structure)
3. Raw Materials
4. Expertise
5. Resources
6. Time
- When you don't have a plan or you deviate from the plan, your building becomes a catastrophe waiting to happen.
- A location that favours a kind of business may not favour another...choose your location wisely taking into cognisance  favourable conditions else you suffer degradation.
-  When you lack the necessary raw materials needed for your kind of building, your building becomes a shaky reed with no solidity.
- When the right expertise required is not in place, you lose your originality and uniqueness.
- When the vital resources are far from your reach, you labour and toil with minimal progress
- Time is a processor, when you allow time process the combination of your ingredients, your building becomes an enviable edifice.
God's word is the baseline and the climax for all buildings, in between are the processes you initiate, whether guided by the voice of wisdom or discretion. You can never build right and enjoy the pleasure of accomplishment without the guidance of God's word.  Proverbs 3:1-7
The builder of all things is God Psalm 127:1b
When you connect with Him, He has the the blueprint for whatever you desire to build.
These fathers of old kept a picture of the pattern before them and strived to adhere strictly.
1.  Abraham built a nation for God
2.  Noah built an Ark of deliverance
3.  Moses built a people willing to take the steps of freedom
4.  Joshua built a people willing to possess their inheritance
5.  Solomon built God a temple
6. Jesus built a victorious and righteous church
Be Guided!!!!
Watch out for the attitude of builders... Coming your way soon.
Powered by the Holy Spirit.


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