Attitude of A Builder

Hello Friends, welcome to
Today, we are looking at the attitudes of a builder and we will be taking our inspiration from Nehemiah 4:
To win in life, you must consciously take some steps to stay ahead of the game.
Before we go into that, please note the following steps to be considered when embarking on a building project.
1. Count the COST of what you are building so surprises don't spring up and in case of slight deviations, you can quickly get back on track. Luke 24:28
2.  Break the entire building process into doable it achievable goals.
3.  Fence of the public - no one understands what you are building like you do. Only share with like minds.
4.  Set a foundation that can carry what you are building. The foundation for a bungalow is different from a storey building....understand the size of your building and set the foundation accordingly. Psalm 11:3, Neh 4:3
5.  Build with the storm in mind. Storms will always come so set resistance in place. Mathew 7:25
6.  Employ burden bearers to keep the rubbish away.  People that will understand the pattern and clear the clutters to make room for accessibility and speed. Neh 4:10, 17
7. Inculcate the vision of the building into your workers and routinely practice survival/rescue drills, you might need it. The safety of your team members is the safe delivery of your building. Neh 4:16
8. Know when to use scaffolds and when to take them down.
Attitude of A Builder
1.  Focus...No one in your team should understand the vision more than you..always stay ahead of the team. Keep away distraction.
2.  Determination - every builder should have a belief system that is not toss to and fro by every or any wind of doctrine, tradition or philosophy but built on the Word of God.
3.  Consistency - daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly initiate activities that add up to the building process.
4.  Dress for the work - get more knowledge, seek for counsel, get more regalia if necessary, more tools that will support smart execution of different phases of the building. Eccle 10:15, Neh 4:23,
5.  Be ready to defend what you are building. You will be confronted. Neh 4:11
6.  Recognise and Understudy the strategy of dream killers to enable you stay ahead. Neh 6:10-14
7.  Be time conscious ... Have 'The Do it Now' spirit.  Avoid procrastination.
8.  Diligence - Your greatness emerges on the platform of diligence. Proverbs 22:29, 10:4b
9.  Visit your plan and be ready to do adjustments periodically.
10. Learn to delegate, what should be delegated. Neh 4:6,
11. Be watchful to ensure strict adherence to the plan.
12. Periodically reiterate the source of your inspiration, the security and feasibility of the building to your team.  You will be clearing doubts and giving hope to the weaklings,  if any amongst your team. Neh 4:14
13.  Learn to stay in the presence of the giver of the vision for clarity cus it unfolds in increments. This will fortify you to keep running. Hab 2: 1
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope you do so often and God will never fail to impact His wisdom for your success in 2016 and in life.


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