The Leader In You

 Hello Friends,

Welcome to my blog. Today we will be looking at the topic 'The Leader in You". Maybe for too long all you see is the side of being a follower, which is alright because every individual will have a time in his or her life where you are either following or leading. You need both to embrace both successfully and do not downplay on any to enable you successfully navigate to the top.  One of the forces of success is your motive. What is motive? Simply put, a reason for doing something. My next question is why are you not a leader? If l were to throw this open, l would probably have answers like:

I don't have what it takes

I haven't been given the opportunity

I don't have a team to lead

I cannot put up with managing people

I think l will fail being one etc.

It takes the right motive to understand why you should be a leader. Leaders are not born rather they are made. Pause for a moment and look around you, are there things you would like to change or things currently being done that you thing could have been handled different by you? That is the leader in you trying to find expression. You must understand that being a leader is more than being in position to lead others. You must earn it, at this point, leading comes with ease because you have already watered the soil by having influence over those you are leading, you have the 2 most important ingredients in building followership, which are "Trust" and "Loyalty". 

The permission to becoming a leader lies in the power of your choice. Your choice grants you the permission to lead, not the people, not the situation, not even the opportunity. If you choose not to lead, inspite of the the people's request, the situation or the opportunity, then there is nothing that can be done about that, only that loses will be recorded in the golden book of record because you robbed the world of your contributions. The population of the world has risen to 8.1bn people and a chunk of diverse expertise is available for you to delve in and lead in that anyways.

Doubt your doubts

Ground your fears &

Be ready to free the leaders trapped in you, who has been seeking emergence and expression.

You Are A Leader!


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