
Hi There!
Footprints are the signs of significant achievements and life impacts. There is always a beginning point, and from there, things continue to advance incrementally until they reach a complete representation of the self that you wish the world to see. 

You might feel like you've been cast into the mud to wither away, but since prints cannot be seen on a concrete surface, you must turn the tables and leave your mark. No matter how small you believe your efforts to be, the mud will highlight them and leave a trail that will encourage your followers to expect more from you. Life hasn't taken everything away from you; where you are today is a good place to start, and I have no doubt that if you put in the necessary passion and effort, you will be celebrated.

You have something right now that the world needs, whether in its raw or seed form. You can work it out and use it to further your mission. You were made to fill a niche; identify and make them matter in your life. You're meant for more!

Happy New Week!!!


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