Navigating The Success Terrain Episode 1 - Don't Settle!!!

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2023. It is going to be an amazing year but there is work to be done.

 Today l want to briefly drop this and give you back your time while you ponder on it for a while.

It is said that when you ask questions, you will be able to get answers. Which means, no questions, no answers. My focus today is not on whether you are asking the right questions. We will deal with that next time. Today l have a soul searching question that will help you assess the following in your life:

1. Your Choice

2. Your Resolution

3. Your Attitude

4. Your Expectations

5. Your Gullibility

Question: What Have You Settled For?

Yearly, we make new year resolutions and sometimes we fall out of plan midway through the year because we didn't put in check the above five points amidst other points that needs to be taken into consideration. Your Purpose in life will be expressed in the way you lay out the steps l mentioned above and your plans will be powered by these same steps.

It gets messy for some that feel they are failing since they can't see the expected results, they give up and start depressing because they have already concluded that there is nothing to really look forward to in the year, this could be as a result of their past years performance. That is a blatant lie from the pit of hell. Change is one thing that is inevitable and is bound to happen whether in the positive direction or negative direction. In my book; Making A Difference, l talked about the attitude to put up in anticipation for change. You might want to grab a copy....You want to be able to direct the flow of events changing, or have some sort of control over the course of the changes in your life but when you are not paying attention to the five points l listed above, then you might just be headed for the same experience, if not worse than the previous you encountered.

Your Choices - this will lay the foundation for the direction which your life flows to. Choice is a powerful determinant of the course of events in your life. You can intercept what you call the natural flow and turn it into a well thought out and constructive flow of events in your life by making some choices that will lead to you being intentional about living life purposefully and getting results at all possible cost.

Your Resolution - From making choices, you resolve to take some line of actions, maybe different from what you have been doing in the past because you desire to record a different result. You become resolute, and refuse to be thrown overboard no matter the situation. Your unwavering state will birth the next point l mentioned.

Your Attitude - If you make all the choices and plan to succeed and your attitude doesn't follow suit then you have no conviction nor faith in what you are pursuing or maybe you lack the motivation to remain dogged and keep forging ahead until you breakthrough. It is also worthy of note that your attitude will help you navigate through foggy terrains and create a pathway that will lead to the direction of success. The journey is a process and the process is not hitch-free therefore, you need to have a compass you can rely on else you will be charting the course of your destiny headed in a wrong direction, and that could be really exhausting.

Your Expectation -  It is important to keep your expectation in front of you as a measurement matrix. This is necessary because a lot of things will change on you and a lot of distractions will try to take center stage but you must keep your filters in place, (I will write extensively on How to Activate Your Filters in another write-up) and never settle for what is not a part of the picture.

Your Gullibility - I would say, work towards having a 0% gullibility. They are drivers that can detect if you are gullible or not but that is not our focus for today. Eliminate the drivers that make you gullible and stay highly sensitive and alert to be able to detect at the early stage any form of disruption or distractor to your vision or plan. I will put up an elaborate write-up on this sub heading and there l will talk about the drivers.

Nothing is impossible if you engage the success life gears needed and apply the principles required to weather the storms and oppositions that seemingly make it look daunting.

Once again, welcome to 2023 and remember that recording sustainable success starts with you succeeding first in your mind.

If you learnt anything from this write-up please share it and also drop comments on what you would want me to talk about. 

I'll be back soon for another episode on "Navigating The Success Terrain".

Thank you!


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