BE Hope- full

Hope is one subject that cannot be over emphasized in our world today. The subject of hope is gradually eroding the minds of the people because of the changing world and how impossible it is for many to access the basic life supplies. We are in the era where in quick successions challenges engulf many people and they get stuck or are slowed down in life because they have no clue on how to tackle the problems. Just about the time you think you are done with solving one problem, another shows up. That is why you must devise a means to stay afloat and always be in charge. This can be done when you plan with problems in mind. This is not you being faithless or pessimistic rather this is you stepping back to assess possible problems and obstacles and corresponding solutions as you progress in life. This is you doing your part to be resolute on not giving in and allowing God do His part. It is also you being fully aware that you need to put up a fight to get to your destination. As we journey through life, we don't just stay hope-full but we are also saddled with the responsibility of giving hope to people around us and to the next generation.

You must learn to rest in hope, knowing that God can change things in your favour.

 Acts 2:26 ' I'm glad from the inside out, ecstatic; l've pitched my tent in the land of hope'.MSB

The above scripture reveals that David had a place of solace and that was the promise of God that never fails, this was his 'Land of Hope'. 

Do you have a land of Hope? While you wait for the next supplies or for the next breakthrough, what do you do?

The Psalmist in Psalm 31:24 says ' Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD'.

HOPE is the lifeline God is extending to you, while you wait for His visitation. 

For the purpose of expressing this message with clarity, l came up the the HOPE acronym below:

H - HIGH: Stay high in SPIRIT  no matter what you are going through

O - OPEN - Stay open to opportunities so you don't prolong your wilderness experience

P - PEACE - Be Peace-full while waiting, so you don't burn out or stress out.

E - ELIMINATE - Eliminate all set backs that will cancel out the reward of  Hope.

This could be a very challenging season, but your HOPE will cushion the effect on you and on the people around you, if you decide to be HOPE-FULL and extend HOPE wherever you find yourself. 

God will come true where your strength fails. You are divinely scheduled for a mind blowing turnaround, if you won't quit too soon.

Spread the message of Hope. 



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