How To Hack Your Brain | Meg Thomas

Hi there, 
In one of my videos. I mentioned that every worker has his or her tools. A worker without a tool can't accomplish his mission and a worker without the right tools will exert energy, burn out and turn out frustrated without reaching the targeted goal. But the worker with the right tool and the knowledge of the usage of the right tool will be efficient, and effective and will produce massive results.

We are created with the capacity to analyze, process information and solve problems and your brain is the tool for your productivity.  

Your brain is designed to keep you safe at all times. It can resist your true intent if you don't practice how to keep it on track and foster holistic growth through the power of mindfulness.  

Mindfulness is maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations, and our surrounding environment.  

The ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we are doing at times and not overly reactive or overwhelmed with what is going on around us is the key to hacking your brain and keeping it in sync with your entire being. 

There are so many benefits of mindfulness. 

The goal of mindfulness is to wake up the inner workings of the physical, mental, and emotional processes. 

Ways To Hype Brain Productivity For Optimum Success

1. Solve the Problem of Mental Paralysis 
This is where you allow the brain to suffer mental paralysis induced by fear and doubts. The fear and doubts could be the products of past failures or the current circumstances around you. You must understand that the brain has the tendency to overvalue its first association when encountering a new thought or decision. This happens when you are trying to introduce a new idea to it, and this is a result of the brain not being able to move away from your past.

Dwelling on the past makes it almost impossible to move forward. 

Employ the following ways to overcome this;

- Diversion Method
 Here you give the brain something else to think about, like a new set of specific goals. Well defined, and clearly written out in realistic terms. Be sure to break it down into doable plans because you don't want the brain to overvalue your idea and shrink back into safe mode of trying to keep you safe from risk or harm just because the goal looks impossible. This method will ultimately move the brain away from dwelling on the past experiences you have encountered that probably didn't go well. 

- Forward-thinking 
Fear incapacitates the brain when you keep ruminating on your ugly past. So, be watchful of what your brain feeds off on and be intentional to feed your brain with the right information. Forward-thinking is when you see opportunities where others see challenges. Don't forget, we are designed to analyze, process information and solve problems but you will never see this happen until you engage your brain correctly. Remember, you must practice the concept of mindfulness; being fully present, and aware of where you are and what you are doing at the time. 

2.  Block Negativity 

Build positive energy around you and block out negativity.  Learn to hang out with positive people you admire and in no time, you will be emulating their principles/lifestyle.  Negative energy is a weight on your brain while positive energy spurs it up. It stimulates the brain and helps its efficiency.

If you associate with negative people you are likely to absorb thinking that is counterproductive to your goals.  
Beware of negative people because they carry negative energy that can cripple the productivity level of your brain.

3. Focus on A Task Per Time

I have tried multitasking and it eventually slowed down the pace of my accomplishing the goals l had. The key to swift accomplishment and high productivity is prioritizing and focusing on a top task and completing each one in the order of its priority. This doesn't mean you don't switch between tasks to get things done but when it comes to major projects or goals, it is advisable to focus so you don't seemingly slow down the pace at which the brain functions.

Train your brain to understand and follow your priorities. 
It is advisable to limit yourself to 3-5 top tasks per time. Others can be handled after the ones with the top priorities are completed.

4. Learn to manage your stress level

You don't have to run away from stress, you just have to stay on top of it.  You have to know how to manage it so you don't reduce your brain functionality. Find relaxing activities that  will calm your mind and engage in them. 

5. Get enough sleep

You don't want to compromise your healthy habits.  Learn to give yourself enough sleep for optimum performance of the brain and your health in general.  You can sleep early so you wake up early hours of the following day to maximize your morning hours before the day unfolds fully with lots of activities contending for your attention.

When you are not oblivious of the pitfalls/limiting tendencies that your brain could manifest if not trained, and you consciously practice the power of mindfulness,  you will be able to tap into the power of cognitive efficacy which is effective thinking with clarity and productivity, and you will ultimately be operating at the top of your potential which is God's desire for every human. 

Gen 1:26; "And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness..."
You are created to be like God, think, and act like Him. This is your MANDATE. 

Thank you for stopping by and please drop your comments,  suggestions, and questions. 

I am Meg and I inspire using God's principles. 

Happy Weekend!!!


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