We are on a series on success. I call it the A to Z of success. Please go through, watch the videos and kindly share.


In my A to Z of success, my letter ‘A’ is Advancement.

This refers to the process of improving on a course or a plan. You need to improve on what you already know. Plan to develop yourself further than you already have.

This is the 2nd half of the year, if you want to change your world, and not repeat past mistakes, you must have an advancement plan.

Watch my brief video on Advancement here;


It means to move or to remain in a position without losing your footing. It is critical in the success mix. To be successful, you need balance.

It breeds confidence and confidence in turn opens doors for you to make impact.

There are 3 tips that you would need to get where you are going with balance.

For my brief video on balance and to learn more about the success mix, please watch the video below;


Next in the success mix is the word courage.

I would define courage as the grace you have when you are under pressure, to help you thrive. when you have courage, you go ahead and dare what you need to do despite your fear.

Note that when you are scared to take a risk, you are indeed taking a risk.

Watch my brief video on courage here;


The fourth word in my A to Z of success series is discipline. Basically, this is self-control.

Those of you who have projects to execute, you need discipline. If you are not disciplined, you won’t be able to follow through on your plan and project. With discipline, you are able to gain control over your project.

If you leave out discipline, life will just be a ‘merry-go-round’ venture.

I have a short video for you on discipline. Please watch it below; 


The word for today is efficiency. This is the ability to do something well, successfully and without waste. Please note that it is very possible for you to arrive at your expected result without wasting resources, time, energy..

It requires your sitting down to strategize on how to go about your project and life activities.

To see my brief video on Efficiency, please click here below;

Keep a date on this blog to learn more about success in the series we are running here. In the next post, I will bring on a few more nuggets in the A-to-Z of Success mix.


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