Hi friends, focus is one ability that grants you audience or ushers you into the world of greatness, fulfilment and satisfaction.

There are 2 keys you must note while focusing:

1. Priorities
2. Concentration

A person/leader who knows his/her priorities but lacks concentration knows what to do but never gets it done. A person/leader with concentration but no priorities has excellence without progress. 

But when a person or leader harnesses both, he/she gains the potential to achieve great things..

Paul, in Philippians 3:12-15 expressed how he narrowed his wedge and focus to the ESSENTIALS.
The secret behind this were:
- He discerned what hindered him.
- He discovered what he wanted.
- He determined how to get it

We live in a world where the devil will constantly use the familiar to distract you but you must determine within yourself to stay focus. If your focus is already intercepted and you are distracted, please do the following and get back on track with your focus:

1. Work on yourself - you are your greatest asset or worst liability.
2. Work on your priorities - fight for the important ones.
3. Work in your strengths - you can reach your potential if you do.
4. Work with your colleagues - you can't be effective alone.

There is still room at the top for you...Go for it!!!

God bless you.


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