Partner With The Holy Spirit

Happy new month friends. This is another season in our lives and we are grateful to God for His mercies and protection so far in 2016. God is faithful!!! Thank you Jesus. 

Partner with the holy spirit

Our scripture for today is 2 Cor 3:17
"Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." (KJV) 
Liberty is found only where the Holy Spirit reigns. You want to be liberated from satanic arrows and limitations, embrace the Holy Spirit.  Walk with Him and make Him your closest friend. Only God can reveal the future through His Spirit to man.

1 Corinthians 2:11; "for what man knoweth the things of a man, save the Spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God." (KJV).

Today,  my exhortation to you is that you walk with the Holy Spirit and He will unfold the month in grand style to you. When you visit a city you have never been to before you will need a tour guide to get to places to see the beauty of the city.  When a new season arrives, it is like a package wrap and until you take off the wrap you will not see the content. Only the one that brings the season knows what it came with. For many, it will be tons of surprises. The Bible says who knows the intent of a man's heart except his spirit. Only the Holy Spirit can let us in to the secrets of God. If you want to be ahead of events and happenings, you need first hand information, learn to partner with the Holy Spirit. 

He does the following:
- He reveal things to come John 16:13
- He empowers and anoint for service. Acts 1:8
- He strengthens you in weakness. Romans 8:26
- He teaches all things. 1John 2:27
- He gives you access to depths in God.  1 Cor 2:10
- He intercedes for us. Roman 8:27
- He guarantees liberty.  2 Cor 3:17

If you don't want surprises in life from the enemy then walk with the Holy Spirit. He will strengthen you for the battles ahead of you because life is a battlefield and  you must determine to stay on the winning side. 

He is a person and He talks but you must learn to LISTEN. Until you are desperate for a change, change will keep eluding you. Until you cry to God for guidance, you will keep making the same mistakes. 

Ask God for a spiritual awakening of your spirit man so you can connect with His Spirit and if you haven't asked Jesus into your life as your Lord and Saviour, that is the first step to an overcoming life. Please do so now.

Friends you cannot continue to put your destiny at risk by living without direction. Romans 8:14; "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." KJV
The month of September is pregnant with hidden blessings but only those with the information on how and where to find it will access it. Position yourself for a breakthrough as you PARTNER with the Holy Spirit.

REMEMBER Ephesians  3:20 says  "Now to him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above  all that we ask or think, ACCORDING TO THE POWER THAT WORKETH IN US". (KJV) 
The measure of God's blessing you receive is dependent on the depth of the work of the Holy Spirit within you. 

Friends, deepen your walk with the Holy Spirit and see God work wonders in your life.
I declare over your life and family that only positive surprises will come your way this month and every satanic agenda shall be abolished and you will ride victoriously through the liberty that the Holy Spirit gives into your prepared place in Jesus name. Amen.

God bless you. 

Thank you for stopping by. Please share and bless someone. Thanks.


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