Understanding The Seasons

Hello everyone, You are welcome to my blog where the fountain of God's wisdom flows to humanity.  I am wishing you a happy new month.  This is the second half of the year 2016 and we made it through the first half successfully. We may not have achieved all we wanted to but God is faithful to have kept you and l alive to see the second half.  This means, we can still make it because when there is life, there is hope. 

Today, we will be considering seasons. 
Our anchor scripture is Psalm 1:1-3 with emphasis on verse 3 and l quote
" He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water,  that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper".
Seasons must be understood in order to fully maximise the benefits that they have to offer.  Oxford Advance Learner's Dictionary defines season in numerous ways but l'll quote the one most suitable for our subject today. I quote " A period of time during a year when a particular activity happens or is done". 

A farmer that wants productivity in his profession will study the seasons of the year to know which activity is best for a particular period of time.
Any season not understood will be of no benefit to an individual and every season has the capability of changing the lives of people both negatively or positively.
Your ability to understand seasons in life will keep you ahead of the frictions in life.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says " To everything, there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven"
We live in time and must understand that purpose has timing. If you plan doing something, you need to allocate time to it.  

Our anchor scripture reveals that understanding seasons and optimising them is a function of the the DECISIONS you and l make daily. 

WHAT DO YOU DELIGHT IN? Your purpose should guide your decision making not your job. Your purpose is your WORK and cannot be taken from you but your JOB is what you are paid to do and can be taken away you.

Life is much more that waking up, going to work, getting paid and paying bills.  This could be very boring. You were created for a purpose and until you discover that purpose, seasons will make no meaning to you. A farmer knows the following :
-  When to prepare the soil for planting
- What kind of seed to plant
- The nutrients needed to grow the seed
-  When to weed out the farm
-  The size of his barn in preparing for harvest
-  When to harvest
-  The portion of seed to preserve for next planting

And all of the above is seasonal. So he will have to understand each season to be successful at each of the activity mentioned above.
That is how our lives work.  We are like SEEDS. God gave everything in seed form, so the future you desire is a seed but you have the responsibility of working it into the greatness you anticipate and that requires you understanding the seasons and making the right decisions.
We are in the second half of the year 2016, believe me, your success is within you not outside, not abroad. Your decisions, and understanding of seasons will guide your steps. Every second counts, don't abuse it rather channel it into the fulfilment of your dream. 

God bless you for stopping by. Please share my blog with friends and families and do stop by another day.
Thank you.


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