Who Are You?

It is important to discover who you are created to be, not who circumstances or situations have turned you into. 
Jesus speaking to his disciples in Mathew 16:13 asked; 'whom do men say that l the son of man am?  Peter gave different opinions from different people but that didn't change Jesus from who he originally was and is.
People will always have different opinions about who you are due to the circumstance they meet you in but this is momentary cus  that is not who you are created to be.
Many have allowed their circumstances to deform them. When there is a deformity in your personality, it distorts the original plan.
If you want to stick to the plan,
1.  Discover it
2.  Don't stray from it
3.  Set periodic goals to stay on track
4.  Mingle with like minds only
5.  See through God's perspective
6.  Stay on the Word.         
Quit trying to be like another person. You were created ORIGINAL, second to none!!!

1Peter 2:9 implies the following;
A Chosen Generation - informing you of your placement; special and exceptional hence chosen.

A Royal Priesthood - informing you of royalty in you.

A Holy Nation - Explaining  the access to divinity through right standing and also revealing the possibilities of presenting your demands and getting answers from God .

A Peculiar People - revealing the distinctive qualities in you.

Finally, all of the above is for a SHOW of God's praises. To show means to disclose, reveal or display and this can only be done where there is light, NEVER in darkness.

This is a call to His Marvelous light.....let this guide you on your self discovering adventure. There is more to you than what the eyes can see....refuse to be limited, refuse to be stopped, refuse to be defined or deformed by the things you go through.



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