Navigating The Success Terrain Episode 1 - Don't Settle!!!
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2023. It is going to be an amazing year but there is work to be done. Today l want to briefly drop this and give you back your time while you ponder on it for a while. It is said that when you ask questions, you will be able to get answers. Which means, no questions, no answers. My focus today is not on whether you are asking the right questions. We will deal with that next time. Today l have a soul searching question that will help you assess the following in your life: 1. Your Choice 2. Your Resolution 3. Your Attitude 4. Your Expectations 5. Your Gullibility Question: What Have You Settled For? Yearly, we make new year resolutions and sometimes we fall out of plan midway through the year because we didn't put in check the above five points amidst other points that needs to be taken into consideration. Your Purpose in life will be expressed in the way you lay out the steps l mentioned above and your plans will be powered by these same steps. It gets me...