
Showing posts from August, 2021

Wisdom, Youthfulness, Zeal - 3 Undisputable buzzwords in A-Z of Success

  This is the final episode of our success mix, the A-Z of success. Today we will discuss 3 words that you can add to the previous words – Wisdom, Youthfulness, Zeal.   Wisdom This means the application of knowledge you have acquired. It is you implementing knowledge you have gotten. For example, I am believing that you will sit back and try to apply everything you have learnt from our A-Z of success.   Youthful-at-heart It does not really matter how old you are; if you are youthful at heart, you will find strength to keep going.   Zeal Be passionate in your pursuit of whatever you have set out to achieve. Be zealous; you will need it going forward. Please watch the brief video I recorded on these 3 words below;

A-Z of Success: 3 Key Words You Need

There are 3 important words you will need to contemplate and apply if you desire success. This is part of our series on A to Z of success. Talents Do these 3 things regarding your talent. First, you have to identify it; secondly, develop it and thirdly, use the talent to serve your world. Uncommon Results This means that your results are out of the ordinary. We picked this out because we are trying to get you to do what the crowd is not doing so you can get what they are not getting. Do not settle for average. Visibility If you are running a business, understand that you must have online presence to feature in what the world has become today – a global community. Do everything you can to ensure you are visible. Please watch the video below to hear more on what I talked about regarding these last 3 words.

Success Mix: 4 Unavoidable Words

Still dealing with our success mix, the A-Z of Success, we will explore 4 words you cannot avoid in your success journey. Patience In success, you cannot do without patience. Nothing grows overnight. You will need patience to see through the process.   Questions You must learn to ask the right questions so you can learn what you require on your journey of success.   Robust You are going to be faced with situations that will challenge your faith. You will need to have robust faith in your own plans.   Sacrifice Success will cost you something. If will require your time; it will cost you energy, it will require that you give up on things that leave you comfortable. Now, check out more of the mix required that will grace your effort and deliver outstanding results. See the video below and please subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss out on any of the episodes. Do well to share this post to others.

Success Mix – More Buzzwords You Will Need

Welcome to the programme I call ‘Making A Difference with Meg Thomas’. And we have been on A-Z of Success, our discussion on the success mix you will need to see your goals materialize. We are running this because, as you know, every building is built one block on another. Loyalty Let’s talk about loyalty. How loyal are you to your boss, to the job you are currently doing? Right now, people violate the principles of loyalty a lot. Are you ready to reap from a foundation of dis-loyalty? I discussed this issue in the short video below. Please watch. Now, on to 4 other words you cannot do without. Mentorship Your mentor is like a guide that will help you find your way up the ladder of success.   Nurture Most times, ideas will come in form of seed. How do you make your ideas yield fruit for you? Nurture! You have to learn how to nurture your ideas, potentials, gifting in putting all that will be required for it to get to the point of actualization.   Opportunity Note these about opportunit