Wisdom, Youthfulness, Zeal - 3 Undisputable buzzwords in A-Z of Success
This is the final episode of our success mix, the A-Z of success. Today we will discuss 3 words that you can add to the previous words – Wisdom, Youthfulness, Zeal. Wisdom This means the application of knowledge you have acquired. It is you implementing knowledge you have gotten. For example, I am believing that you will sit back and try to apply everything you have learnt from our A-Z of success. Youthful-at-heart It does not really matter how old you are; if you are youthful at heart, you will find strength to keep going. Zeal Be passionate in your pursuit of whatever you have set out to achieve. Be zealous; you will need it going forward. Please watch the brief video I recorded on these 3 words below;