
Showing posts from 2015

The Word, My Leverage

My story is the manifestation of the Power of God's word at work every passing minute in me and for me Colossians 1:29. Thank you for your works, your written word, your rhema  word and  your sovereign self. I have FAITH in all because l  know you cannot lie. Numbers 23:19.  I believe in your PERSON. FRIENDS, WHAT ABOUT YOU?


The Bible in Mark 8:36 says 'what shall it profit a man,  If he shall gain the whole world, and lose his soul?' Paul speaking in Romans 1:16 says he is not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for therein lies God's power ( paraphrased). If we want to see God's power at work in our lives, we must believe in the Word of God. Salvation comes to only those who BELIEVE .  He sent His Word and that word has all you need to deliver the total package of SALVATION . Embrace God's Word and live.  Jesus is still calling and waiting , do not harden your heart . Hebrews 3 : 15 WHAT TO DO WITH THE WORD 1. Read/Study Daily 2. Believe the Word 3. Confess the Word 4. Proclaim the word 5. Be Doers of the Word Compliment of the season!!!

Who Are You?

It is important to discover who you are created to be, not who circumstances or situations have turned you into.  Jesus speaking to his disciples in Mathew 16:13 asked; 'whom do men say that l the son of man am?  Peter gave different opinions from different people but that didn't change Jesus from who he originally was and is. People will always have different opinions about who you are due to the circumstance they meet you in but this is momentary cus  that is not who you are created to be. Many have allowed their circumstances to deform them. When there is a deformity in your personality, it distorts the original plan. If you want to stick to the plan, 1.  Discover it 2.  Don't stray from it 3.  Set periodic goals to stay on track 4.  Mingle with like minds only 5.  See through God's perspective       always 6.  Stay on the Word.             ...

The Mind

The mind is the engine house that controls the activities of a man. Your daily activities determines your productivity in life. Your thoughts can either 'MAKE' you or 'MAR' you. What are you thinking ? Proverbs 23:7 - your thoughts form the frame of your life. Your world is anchored and fashioned according to your thought pattern. If you think like a failure, then you become one and if you think  like a winner, you also have the ability to become one. The book of John 1:12 says,  'but as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:'.. SONS ALWAYS HAVE INHERITANCE . SELAH . So how should your thoughts be patterned ?  Philippians 4:8 has the answer to the question. Where you are today is as a result of your yesterday's thoughts so if you need a change, then you start by changing your thoughts. Let this mind be in you , which was also in Christ Jesus : Philippians 2...


When light comes stressful labour with no result ends. Let's ask God for His light so revelation, wisdom, direction, accuracy and safety can set in as we strife towards destiny fulfilment. You can't afford to keep feeling your way through in life. Light instructs....light reveals...and light makes you a hero to be celebrated.