The Seed Principle - Prosperity is Possible!
When you ask the right questions in life, you get the answers needed. Many are afraid of asking questions because they are running from the truth. If you embrace the truth, which may not be what you think is good enough to be appriased with, you have a 50% chance of making a positive turnaround away from the seemingly ugly situation. Welcome to my blog where we share information on how to be purposeful, intentional in life & amass wealth through workable principles and Welcome to our new series of The Seed Principle. When you refuse to take a stand for something, you automatically stand for nothing. WHAT DO YOU HAVE? This was what the prophet asked the woman in 2 Kings 4:2. What you have is enough to start with and grow from if you can take your eyes off the accomplishments of others and stop comparing yourself. Inside every SEED is a TREE, but we don't see it. You have potentials and the word potential means the strengths, the resources we have and the capac...